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Eliminated hidden costs, saving millions


Manufacturer in commodity market needing to
change cost structure and product mix

Company Data:

- $275 million sales annually
- 300 employees
- commodity product lines

Key Business Issues:

- equipment limiting product diversification options
- limited marketplace with narrow margins
- cost structure unsustainable


$72 million of P&L impact over 5 years (the site lost an estimated $30 million and one year later earned $8 million).

Completed 750 projects in 5 years and more than 80% of all employees participated in the process.

97% of all projects delivered financial savings and 12% of all projects exceeded original first year financial goals.

Our Approach:

Aggressive cost optimization with willing but underutilized workforce.

Install ProfitLink STRIVE™ Team Improvement System.

Install Hidden Cost Diagnostics™ to increase magnitude of projects in all areas.

Client Perspective:

From John Donahue, Mill Director, Specialty Products
North American manufacturing operation

"As a mill director I have reviewed dozens of improvement processes over the years and participated in several. This one is truly different... it is comprehensive and sustainable. First, it helped us to install a unique discovery process (Hidden Cost Diagnostics™) to expand the potential improvement ideas & deepen our financial understanding of the business. We started with a limited management view of our potential and we have transformed into an organization where everyone now understands the key levers of the business. A backlog of high quality ideas are now generated at all levels of the organization.

Second, the ease of the 7 step process and the weekly review have helped to create a discipline to speed up project implementation & the financial impact by at least 5x. In addition the cultural implications have been dramatic. The rhythm of start up, the step 5 meeting and the closeout process has improved communication, recognition & most importantly management and employee alignment. This system has become integrated into the day to day work we do. We have come a long way to become a hugely profitable business with the help of Profitlink."

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