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Competing at world-class levels, growing the bottom line


European manufacturer needing to
integrate acquisitions and optimize assets
while involving suppliers and customers

Company Data:

- 7 manufacturing sites across Europe
- Business conducted in 3 languages
- Annual sales of €2 billion
- High quality manufacturing capability

Key Business Issues:

- Improve operations beyond core manufacturing processes
- Lift all manufacturing to world class cost & production levels
- Change the culture to deepen and broaden financial impact


Defined 2 year P&L impact of €135 million; €60 million in year one.

Total impact over 3-5 years projected at €350 million.

Achieved €25 million during installation alone, prior to start of year one, delivering results that paid for the project and delivered ROI before it was even fully implemented.

Organization-wide accountability for P&L improvement targets.

Installed process ownership in a cross-functional working group.

Installed tracking system and financial review process to ensure results.

Our Approach:

Install ProfitLink FOCUS™ Discovery System to identify new budget year potential (1-2 years) and long term potential (3-5 years) to establish a financial Cost of Quality base.

Develop a top down working group to establish targets in 9 key business processes & 27 sub processes.

Establish financial gaps based on competitor benchmarks & statistical models.

Integrate results into the budget process & kick off 1st year projects' plans.

Undertake all activities in Dutch, German and English, including all product materials used.



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