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"I was ready to write them off before they even arrived."

But we had invited ProfitLink in already, and I took the meeting. Good thing. Their low-key, no-nonsense approach was refreshing. And they brought in their most senior people, who were also the owners, and who were the ones committed to doing the work directly.

What surprised me most was how much they just listened. In a few short minutes they had a good understanding of what we faced. They got my team to open up quickly and to think differently right in that first meeting.

Their approach focused on implementation, short term results, and making a long term difference that we would own - not tie us to endless contracts to keep the results coming. And they made a financial guarantee. A guarantee from a consulting firm!

The results from our pilot projects?
  • $439,000 in < 6 months (savings from day one!)
  • $2,000,000 from first round pilot projects
  • 21 of 23 projects done in < 4 months
Our people were amazing. They took ownership and worked in teams because they could see their efforts making a difference every week.

I never would have believed they were capable of it.


- Passionate clients
- Simple, cookbook process
- Find hidden costs
- Work fast

click to learn more about our process

Team Leader: "It's amazing how smart our people are with a good process to shape it all...we don't have to rely on the same 20 people all the time."

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